Host an Event

Thanks for helping the MND Community

You can support people living with MND and have a great time by hosting your fundraising event! 

Step 1: What you need to know before you fundraise

Thanks for wanting to support MND NSW! Just before you get started, there's some important details you need to know!

First, please take a read of the Fundraising Agreement and Guidelines and complete the appropriate section in the form, so you can then submit it as part of your event hosting request.

It's also important to note that in order for someone to collect money on behalf of MND NSW, they must have an Authority to Fundraise issued by MND NSW. It may take up to 7 working days to process your event hosting request and send the Authority to Fundraise - so please give us as much notice about your event as possible!

Step 2: Tell us about your event

Want to host an event? We'll just need a few details about you and your event first - please complete our event hosting request form.

I want to host an event

Step 3: Set up a fundraising page

Also need an online fundraising page? If you've submitted your event hosting request and received your Authority to Fundraise, you can set up a fundraising page and let people know about your event!

Create an Event Page

Need assistance or have any questions? Please contact us at or on 02 8877 0999

Need Assistance?

Need your Authority to Fundraise? Require more information or promotional materials about motor neurone disease and MND NSW at your event? Want to sell merchandise at your event? We're here to help.

If you have any questions, or would like assistance for a community fundraising event, please contact us at or on 02 8877 0999